Category Pets

Should You Give Your Cat CBD?

Should You Give Your Cat CBD? CBD is all the rage right now. It’s in everything from lotions to milkshakes to alcoholic beverages. You can eat it in gummies, swallow it as a pill, or inhale it in a vape.…

Hemp For Horses? Studies Show It Might Work

Hemp For Horses? Studies Show It Might Work Since the 2018 Farm Bill(1) made manufacturing industrial hemp legal in the United States, horse owners have been wondering about the benefits of CBD for their horses. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot…

Could Hemp Help Save The Bees?

Could Hemp Help Save The Bees? Bees are a powerful force of nature who creates pure and delicious honey, but that’s not even the best thing they do. Bees are nature pollinators and the very key to providing the world…